Postal Life Insurance Mobile Training app
If you recently obtained a PLI agency for PLI business procurement, you will be issued a provisional license which will be converted into a permanent license on passing the licentiate examination from the Insurance Institute of India. You can now complete your training through the Postal Life Insurance mobile training app.
1.2 Before you proceed with the PLI agent online training through the mobile app, you have the check the following points:-
1.3.Permanent license will be valid for 5 years from the date of engagement of the Direct Agent, which may be renewed by the Head of Postal Division every year based on satisfactory performance by the Direct Agents in PLI business and subject to the procurement of a minimum of 4 policies per year.
1.4 the PLI agency will be terminated if the Direct Agent fails to clear licentiate examination within 3 years of their engagement as a PLI agent from the Insurance Institute of India.(III).
1.5 This exam can be passed online mode on the PLI Mobile training app. The agency will also be terminated if the permanent license is not renewed by the agent every year after 5 years of engagement as a PLI agent.
2. PLI Agent Training from the Insurance Institute of India(III)
2.1 PLI Directorate is in close coordination with the Insurance Institute of India (III), Mumbai for imparting training and holding licentiate examinations for the sales force of PLI and RPLI through offline mode.
2.2 In today’s digital world, where most of the activities are being performed digitally, it is necessary that the training, as well as licentiate examination for the sales force of PLI and RPLI, may be carried out through a mobile app in online mode.
2.3 This will make training and licentiate examination for the sales force of PLI and RPLI convenient, economical, and digital within the time.
3. Postal Life Insurance Mobile Training app
3.1 The ‘PLI Mobile Training App’ for the sales force of PLI and RPLI in collaboration with the Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai has been launched on 12.10.2022 by PLI.
3.2 This mobile app is being developed in 12 languages by the Insurance Institute of India (III) Mumbai. Initially, this PLI Mobile Training App will be available in Hindi & English only, and later on in other regional languages like Gujarati, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Marathi, Bengali, Assamese, Malayalam, Oriya and Punjabi.
3.3 This App has training material in audio-visual mode as well as in an e-book format. The same e-book will be available for download after making the necessary fee online. Further, this app will also facilitate online licentiate examination.
3.4 After launching of PLI Mobile Training App on 12.10.2022, the training will now be modified and shall be of 15 hours duration on the App from the time of registration by DA/FO.
3.5 The 3 days of in-house PLI agent training and 3 days of practical training at the Divisional level for the PLI SalesForce will be dispensed with from 12.10.2022 onwards. The PLI training through the PLI app will be sufficient for agents.
3.6 Online training is open for 30 days from the date of activation by the PLI sales force. It has 15 hours of mandatory training for the PLI/RPLI sales force. Hence, before activating the app please ensure the road map for completion of this training within the period.
3.7 After training, the candidate (sales force) can appear in an online licentiate examination with
unlimited attempts within 30 days of activation through online mode.
Also Read:-
- How can I become a PLI agent in the post office?
- How I can register in the PLI customer portal?
- PLI Proposal Form and Service Request forms
4. Features of Postal Life Insurance Mobile Training app
4.1 The online training will be open for 30 days from the date of activation by an agent or till his
/her passing examination, whichever is earlier.
4.2 The online training Module will initially be available in English, Hindi, and later in other languages as in a phased manner.
4.3 Registration form for the candidate is available on the App for their facility. The same can be submitted online by an agent.
4.4 The PLI agent can search “PLI Mobile Training App” in the Google Play Store and download it for registration/training.
5. PLI Agent online registration for training and fee payment.
5.1 The candidate has to Create an Account and Enter the Candidate’s Details. It is expecting the unique combination i.e. (Agent Code + PAN Number + Email ID of the candidate).
5.2 While creating an Account, the candidate will have to enter the following details: Agent Code, Email ID, Name of the Candidate, PAN, Mobile No, and Candidate’s Address, Circle, Region, and Division.
5.3 The fees for Training and Examination are Rs. 339/ (Training material Rs. 219+ Exam Fee Rs.120)-+ Rs.61, GST = Rs. 400/-.
PLIAgent online registration Process
5.4 If the Agent is not able to complete both i.e. Training of 15 hours and examination within 30 days, then the Agent needs to pay fees i.e. Rs. 400/ towards Training and Examination fees again, hence ensure the same before activation of the app.
5.5 If the PLI Agent completes training of 15 hours within 30 days but is not able to pass the examination within 30 days, then he/she needs to pay Rs. 120/ towards Examination Fees. The training module will accordingly be activated for 30 days to re-appear for the examination with unlimited attempts for 30 days.
5.6 The Agent needs to access the Training Module to complete 15 hours of Training and pass the examination on the same platform.
5.7 The PLI Agent has to get 35% to pass the examination. There will be a total 25 questions. Within 30 days you can attempt the exam any number of times without any limitation from the date of fee payment
Tips: – It is better to prepare for the exam before fee payment. Get some knowledge from other agents.
5.8 After passing the examination, the PLI Agent can generate a Training cum Examination Passing certificate of Licentiate Examination from the App itself.
6. Fee paid for exam and reimbursement:-
6.1 Initially, Des (Departmental Employee) and GDS have to register for the training on the App and pay the fees Rs. 339/- + GST on their own cost.
6.2 After successful completion of training and examination, the DEs and GDS have to submit the training cum examination completion certificate to their Division.
6.3 Thereafter, the fees paid by DEs and GDS will be reimbursed by the Head of the Division from PPSS (Non-Scheme) by issuing a sanction order.
Conclusion and Tips for Successful PLI Agent:-
Ø If you are appointed a PLI/RPLI agent, Direct or Departmental, it is better to clear the licentiate exam through a mobile app as soon as possible.
Ø Before this exam you must be aware of the basic features of the PLI/RPLI and read all the PLI rules from SANKLAN.
Ø Get some knowledge from the web and other agents for success in exams.
Ø Also ensure timely renewal of your license to avoid the lapsation.
Ø It is also ensured to procure a minimum 4 policies per year else your agency will be terminated.
Ø Keep in touch with your PLI customer for any help and support for a successful agent.
Ø Always share your WhatsApp number with PLI customers for any support to them.
Ø Always encourage customers to make the PLI payment online mode.
Ø Always Help the customer register in the PLI customer portal to avail of the online service
Ø Must log in to your agent portal from time to time for information and incentive information.
Ø Ensure providing policy documents to customers in timely and in touch with your PLI CPC.
Help Desk of Insurance Institute of India
In case you face any problems, send an email to the following email ids:-
The candidate can also contact on following numbers – 022-26544220/298/208