Postal Life Insurance

PLI Calculator

  • Whole Life Assurance (Suraksha)- Calculator
  • Endowment Assurance (Santosh)- Calculator
  • Convertible Whole Life Assurance (Suvidha)-Calculator
  • Anticipated Endowment Assurance (Sumangal) Calculator
  • Joint Life Assurance (Yugal Suraksha) Calculator
  • Children Policy (Bal Jeevan Bhima)

RPLI Calculator

  • Whole Life Assurance (Gram Suraksha) Calculator
  • Endowment Assurance (Gram Santosh) Calculator
  • Convertible Whole Life Assurance (Gram Suvidha)
  • Anticipated Endowment Assurance (Gram Sumangal) Calculator
  • 10 year Anticipated Endowment Assurance (Gram Priya) Calculator

PLI Premium Calculator

PLI Calculator

The PLI Premium Calculator is a excel tool designed to estimate the PLI/RPLI premium amount for different insurance policies offered by PLI.  It take into account Date of Birth of the proponent and other various factors and parameters to provide an accurate premium estimate.

You can view the details of each PLI and RPLI plan, Monthly,Quarterly,Half Yearly and Yearly Premium estimation in case of  Santosh-EA Plan ( all other plan under PLI have only monthly premium payment mode) under PLI and all plan under RPLI.

The calculation including net premium, GST, total premium payment, policy payment months, estimated bonus and maturity value . This calculator is for your reference and will help you to know how much you need to invest in your selected plan and estimated  maturity proceed.

What is a PLI Premium Calculator?

OurPli offers a handy online premium calculator . This calculator helps you estimate the cost (premium) of various PLI/RPLI policies based on your specific needs. You can use it to find out how much you’d pay for different plans and what your potential payout might be at maturity. It’s a great tool to compare plans and make informed decisions about your PLI insurance.

Empower yourself! This PLI & RPLI premium calculator spreadsheet helps you make smart choices about your policy. It lets you explore different options and see what your premiums will be, along with your potential payout at maturity. With this information, you can confidently choose the PLI or RPLI plan that best suits your needs.

Benefits of using the PLI Calculator

  1. Faster Quotes: Get instant estimates for premiums, saving you time and effort compared to manual calculations.
  2. Accuracy :- Premium estimation based on the input provided for better decision .
  3. Easy Comparison: Compare different policies across various sum assured amounts and coverage options to find the best fit for your needs.
  4. Informed Planning: Make informed decisions about policy renewals, coverage adjustments, or choosing the right policy from the start.
  5. Peace of Mind: Gain confidence in your insurance choices with reliable estimates and clear comparisons.

How PLI Premium Calculator Works

The PLI premium calculator is tools which provide information about some most popular PLI and RPLI policy and their coverage terms for proponent. It helps in selecting the right policy.

Using the PLI Premium calculator , you will get the output desire policy information in simple table form for easy understanding. The output provide various factors including premium payment frequency (monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly only in case Endowment plan- Santosh of PLI and Other Plan of RPLI) and the corresponding premium amounts.

Additionally, it displays information about GST taxes, total premiums paid during the policy term, total instalments to be paid. The calculator also shows the total sum amount of the bonus and the lump sum amount you will receive upon maturity including terminal bonus if any.

How to use PLI Premium Calculator

Using the PLI & RPLI Premium Calculator is a simple process that can be completed in a few easy steps: 

  1. Accessing the calculator: Visit the Ourpli Premium Calculator website to access the Premium Calculator. 
  2.  Scheme Selection:- Select the PLI or RPLI scheme as per your eligibility.
  3. Choosing the Policy:- Select the plan as per your requirement.
  4. Entering Age:. Enter the your date of birth to calculate the premium amount i.e day, month and year in drop down. Age between 19-55yrs.
  5.  Enter the desired sum assured: enter the sum assured or coverage amount. 
  6.  Select the Policy term / Maturity age: Choose desire policy term or maturity age.
  7. Premium Estimate: Based on the input provided calculator provide the summary of  estimated premium for selected plan and also provide the estimated premium other eligible plan for your information.

Tips for Reducing PLI Premiums

Although premiums are affected by numerous factors, there are specific tactics that policyholders can utilize to potentially lower their PLI premiums. 

Invest in Your Health: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and responsible habits like non-smoking can significantly reduce your premiums.

Start Young, Reap Benefits: Initiating your High value PLI  policy at a younger age, preferably in your 20s or 30s, translates to lower premiums for the entire policy term due to your reduced risk profile.

Kick the Habit, Save More: Quitting smoking is not only beneficial for your health but also your wallet. Smokers typically face higher premiums, so ditching the cigarettes can lead to considerable premium reductions.

Right Coverage, Right Cost: Carefully analyze your financial needs and dependents’ future requirements to determine the optimal sum assured. Avoid overpaying for excessive coverage that doesn’t align with your actual needs.

Term it Wisely: Choose a policy term that coincides with your key financial goals, like securing children’s education or a spouse’s financial stability. Extending the term unnecessarily can inflate your premiums.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How reliable are the premium estimates?

A: This calculator is based on the premium information available on Indiapost Website and accurate estimate for your guidance. 

Q: Does it work for all PLI and RPLI policies?

A: Absolutely! This calculator covers all PLI and RPLI policies offerings, including  whole life, endowment, money-back, and Child plan.( Each calculator will be available one by one)