PLI Premium Payment mode Monthly vs Yearly which is better

 Postal Life Insurance Monthly Premium Payment Mode vs Yearly Premium Payment Mode

Postal life insurance(PLI) is one of the popular insurance plans for individuals seeking life insurance coverage.

When considering postal life insurance, one important decision to make is whether to opt for the monthly premium payment mode or the yearly premium payment mode

Here both premium payment mode have their advantages and disadvantages, and it’s necessary to understand to make a conscious decision. 

Now further we will discuss in detail if you have a PLI policy or planning to buy a PLI policy, then premium payment through monthly mode or quarterly, half-yearly or yearly, which mode is beneficial or cost-effective to you, and which mode to choose.  

PLI Premium Payment mode Monthly vs Yearly

Which PLI Plan offer different premium payment mode:-

Here in PLI only Santosh and in RPLI all Plans offer a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly premium mode only. However, in other PLI plans, you can pay a premium in any other mode like half yearly or yearly, and will get the rebate on the advance premium paid.

Postal Life Insurance Monthly Premium Payment Mode:-

What is the Postal Life Insurance Monthly Premium Payment Mode?

Postal life insurance monthly premium payment mode allows policyholders to pay their premiums on a monthly basis. The monthly premium payment mode offers the flexibility of spreading out the cost of insurance over the course of a year, making it more manageable for many individuals. 

Advantages of Postal Life Insurance Monthly Premium Payment Mode:-


By choosing the monthly premium payment mode, policyholders can have greater control over their cash flow. It allows them to budget their expenses more effectively, as they can allocate smaller amounts towards their insurance premium each month.

Ease of affordability: Some individuals may find it challenging to pay a lump sum premium payment for a year in one go. Monthly premium payments make it easier for them to afford insurance coverage without straining their finances. 

Convenience: With monthly premium payments, policyholders don’t have to worry about making a large payment upfront. The automatic deduction option offered by many insurance providers simplifies the process by deducting the premium directly from the policyholder’s bank account. 

Lower commitment: Opting for the PLI  monthly premium payment mode allows policyholders to test the waters and evaluate the insurance coverage before committing to a long-term policy. 

Disadvantages of Postal Life Insurance Monthly Premium Payment Mode


Potential for missed payments: With PLI monthly payments, there is a higher chance of missing a payment if policyholders are not vigilant. Missed payments can result in policy lapses or additional fees, affecting the policy’s coverage and overall cost. 

Postal LifeInsurance Yearly Premium Payment Mode:-

What is the Postal Life Insurance Yearly Premium Payment Mode?

Postal life insurance yearly premium payment mode requires policyholders to pay their premiums once a year in a lump sum. This mode offers advantages that cater to individuals who prefer a one-time payment and want to maximize their savings.


Advantages of Postal Life Insurance Yearly Premium Payment Mode:-

Cost savings: By paying the premium annually, policyholders often less the premium

Uninterrupted coverage: Choosing the PLI yearly premium payment mode ensures that policyholders maintain uninterrupted coverage for the entire year. There is no risk of missing a payment and experiencing a lapse in coverage.

Administrative ease: With a one-time payment, PLI policyholders can avoid the hassle of remembering to make monthly payments or setting up automatic deductions. Premium payment through yearly mode simplifies the process and reduces the chance of errors or missed payments.


Disadvantages of Postal Life Insurance Yearly Premium Payment Mode:-

Financial commitment: The yearly premium payment mode requires a significant upfront financial commitment. Not everyone may have the resources to pay the entire premium amount in one go, which can be a deterrent for some individuals. 

Cash flow constraints: Paying the PLI premium annually can put a strain on cash management for
individuals who rely on a monthly budget. It may require careful planning and budgeting to ensure the availability of funds when the premium payment is due.

Limited flexibility: Once the PLI yearly premium payment is made, policyholders are locked into the payment arrangement for the entire year. They do not have the option to adjust or modify their premium payments until the next renewal period.


PLI Premium Payment mode Monthly vs Yearly Check here

Insurant Details
Insurant’s Age on next Birthday : 26 years
Age on Maturity : 58 years
Sum Assured : 2,00,000
Policy Tenure: 32 years
Premium without
Monthly ₹ 470.00 Yearly ₹5,468.00
Total Install. 384 32
Total Premium Paid
₹ 1,74,976
Qutly  ₹ 1,410.00 Hly  ₹2,780.00
Total Install. 128 64
Total Premium Paid
If Premium  deposit in
advance for 12 months ( in case monthly Mode) 
Monthly Premium ₹ 470.00
12 Months Adv. ₹5,640.00
Rebate 2% ₹ 112.80
Net Premium  ₹5,527.20
Yearly mode is  ₹5,468.00
If Premium  deposit in
advance for 6 months ( in case monthly Mode) 
Monthly Premium ₹ 470.00
6  Months
Rebate 1% ₹ 56.40
Net Premium  ₹ 2,763.60
Hly.Yearly mode is  ₹2,780.00
Hence Yearly mode is seems better , However yearly premium mode
is avialable only in Santosh Plan

1. Is the monthly premium payment mode more expensive than the yearly premium
payment mode?

There is some difference in the premium payment mode as explained above. 

2.Can I switch from monthly premium payments to yearly premium payments or vice

Yes,  Postal Life insurance providers offer the flexibility to switch between payment

3. Are there any discounts or incentives for choosing the yearly premium payment

Yes, many PLI  providers offer a Rebate of 2 %  or 1%  for advance premium payment in case of monthly premium mode. 

4. What happens if I miss a monthly premium payment? 

Missing a monthly premium payment can result in a lapse in coverage or additional fees imposed by the insurance provider. It’s crucial to stay vigilant and ensure timely payments to maintain uninterrupted coverage.

5.Can I set up automatic deductions for monthly premium payments?

PLI provides the option of setting up automatic deductions from your IPPB Mobile banking account for monthly premium payments. By making the auto debit of your PLI premium process it simplifies the process and reduces the risk of missed payments. 

6.Can I make extra payments towards my policy if I choose the monthly premium
payment mode?


 7. Is a yearly premium payment option available in all PLI plans?

No, Yearly, quarterly, and half-yearly premium payment mode is available only in the Santosh Plan of PLI.  However, in the case of RPLI, all plans offer the all-premium mode. 



When deciding between postal life insurance monthly premium payment mode and yearly premium payment mode, it’s crucial to consider your financial situation, budgeting preferences, and long-term goals. 

The monthly payment mode offers flexibility and ease of affordability, while the yearly payment mode provides potential cost savings and uninterrupted coverage. 

However, as per the above table if you have a PLI Santosh -EA plan then yearly mode is cost-effective. In the case of RPLI, you can choose any mode as per your convenience and requirements. 

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