Postal life insurance provides safety in case of the death of a policyholder to their family, hence it is necessary to know the PLI death claim rules in case of the unfortunate death of the policyholder before submitting his death claim in the Postal life insurance policy. Here we will provide a detailed guide on PLI death claim rules, forms and affidavit to be submitted with the claim, necessary documents for a claim, and how to submit the death claim to avoid the rejection and early settlement of PLI death claim.
Type of Death claim cases:- Postal Life Insurance/Rural Postal Life Insurance Policies.

PLI Death Claim Rules -Classification of PLI Death claims based on Period
(a) Based on the period of the Insurance Policy: –
- PLI Claims where Death of policy holder happened after completion of 3 years from the date of acceptance of a proposal or date of revival of the policy, whichever is later.
- PLI Claims that the death of the policyholder happened before the completion of 3 years from the date of acceptance of a proposal or date of revival of the policy, whichever is later.
(b) Based on the Cause of Death of the Insurant
- Natural Death – All deaths except death by suicide, murder, or accident.
- Un-natural Death – Death due to suicide, murder, or accident.
PLI Death Claim Procedure:-
These documents will be submitted with the PLI Death Claim Application:
- PLI Death Claim Application form
- Original PLI Policy or Bond or Letter of Indemnity in case original policy bond is not available
- Self-attested copy of the Death Certificate of the policyholder,
- Self-attested copy of ID and Address proof of the claimant and mobile and email ID and relationship with the policyholder.
- Cancelled Cheque for Bank mandate of claimant
- Self-attested copy of Legal Documents in case the nomination is not available in the policy.
- Cop of FIR and Postmortem report in case of death due to accident, attested by the claimant.
- Indemnity Bond as mentioned in Annex-VI from Claimant
- DDO certification of premium deduction from salary in case pay policy
- Premium receipt book in case of cash policy.
- In this case, Letter of Indemnity and Indemnity Bond must be Notarised by a Public Notary on non-judicial stamp paper.
- In case, the premium payment is not updated in PLI Pay Policies in the system, a certificate from the Employer/DDO about the deduction of premia and details/copy of the premia schedule sent to India Post.
- In case, the premium payment is not updated in PLI cash policies in the system, the Premium Receipt Book is mandatory for the updation of Premia paid by Insurant in the system.
In case original policy documents/policy bond is not available:-
PLI Death Claim Rules:- Process of settlement of claim
- (a) Less than 3yr – Detailed investigation is involved before the death claim settlement
- (b) More than 3 years no detailed investigation is required and settlement is within 30 days.
- As per the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), insurers have a three-year window to challenge a policy due to misrepresentation or the suppression of a material fact that doesn’t amount to fraud.
- This window starts from the date of policy issuance, the date of commencement of risk, the date of policy revival, or the date of adding a rider to the policy—whichever is later. This rule applies irrespective of whether a claim has been made or not and when it’s reported.
- Once this three-year period elapses, the policy cannot be contested. Therefore, if a death claim related to a policy arises after three years from the date of proposal acceptance or policy revival, whichever is later, no inquiry is necessary.
- Suppose the death of the Policyholder happens within three years from the date of proposal acceptance or policy revival, whichever is later.
- In that case, it is required to submit all relevant documents, including the signed death claim application on the provided checklist (Annex-IV) to conduct a death claim inquiry and processing.
- Such PLI death claim case will be treated as early death claim cases.
- A detailed inquiry will be conducted by PLI for such early death claim cases.
In case No nomination in the policy or the nominee died before the policyholder:-
- In case there is no nomination in the policy or the nominee dies before the death of the PLI Policyholder, the PLI death claim will be paid to the legal heir of the policyholder on the production of the succession certificate.
- However in the event of a death claim for an amount up to ₹3,00,000 (three lakh only), where there is no nomination or the nominee predeceases the insured, the requirement for producing a succession certificate may be waived by the Head of Circle.
- However, waiver of the succession certificate is subject to the recommendation of the Postmaster General concerned based on valid grounds.
In case of more than one nominee in PLI Policy and the death of any nominee:-
Lapsing of policy within 36 months and settlement of death claims
- in case the death of the PLI Policyholder occurs within 6 months of the date of acceptance of the policy, no remission period beyond the period of grace shall be allowed.
- In case the death of the PLI Policyholder occurs within 12 months but not before the completion of 6 months from the date of acceptance of the policy, a remission period of 30 days shall be allowed in addition to the period of grace i.e two months’ default may be allowed.
- In addition to the grace period, which is three months of default, a remission period of sixty days will be permitted if the PLI policyholder passes away within 24 months but not before the full twelve months have passed after the policy was accepted.
- In addition to the grace period, which is four months of default, a ninety-day remission period will be permitted if the PLI policyholder passes away within 36 months but not before the full 24 months have passed after the policy was accepted.
- If the policy starts on Jan-2024 death happens in July-2024 and the July-2024 premium is not paid then:-
- The claim will paid as a one-month grace period( premium paid jan to June and July month grace) but if death in Aug-2024 no claim as no further remission period is allowed
- If the policy Starts on Jan-2024 and the Premium paid up to Nov-2025:-
- if death on Mar-2026 claim will be paid ( Dec-25 -one month grace- Jan-Feb-Mar-26 as 90 days additional grace period) & If death on Apri-2026 no claim.
In case of death claim of Non-medical PLI policy:-
- Free look in PLI
- PLI Death Claim Form-
- PLI Death claim SOP- Click here
PLI Death Claim Calculator:-
- One is the full amount of the sum assured
- Another is the accrued bonus amount till the date of death of the policyholder, in case of any unpaid premium or outstanding loan amount the same due amount is deducted from the death claim amount. Let’s check here, PLI death claim value calculation as under:-
- Policy sum assured- 10 lakh Death of policy holder after 5yrs.
- Death claim will be Rs. 10 lakh + bonus of 5yrs.
- Bonus calculation :- SA* rate of bonus per thousand* no of year/100 ( 10,00,000x52x5/1000)= 2,60,000/-
- Total Death claim= 12,60,000/-
Process for appeal in case death claim rejected by PLI:-
Time limit to file the Appeal in Death claim in PLI/RPLI:-
- The claimant can submit an Appeal within 90 days of receipt of the rejection letter.
- If submitted after 90day may be considered by PLI if the reason is satisfactory.
How and where to submit an appeal against PLI/RPLI Death claim:-
- Apeas against rejection of PLI death claim can be submitted in writing to the Appellate Authority personally or through post/email.
- Alternatively, the appeal can also be submitted at any Central Processing Center (CPC).
- The CPC will promptly forward the appeal to the relevant Appellate Authority, either by Registered Post or through proper entry.
- The appellant should provide detailed grounds for the appeal, and relevant documents should be enclosed to support their case.
Similarly, in case the death claim case is rejected due to any reason, the claimant can submit an appeal against the rejection of the PLI/RPLI policy claim within 90 days.